I remember hearing about the Waverly train derailment and explosion. It seems my whole childhood was full of these types of disasters... FEMA, OSHA and EPA were all thought to be godsends to fix the problems caused by runaway capitalism and its disregard for human life and wildlife, but recently it seems not.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Erin Brockovich

" But Dr. Yasmine was inspired to tell the whole story after bumping into of of her father’s patients, Toad Smith." I believe this should be one of rather than of of.

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Where are you on PFAS? Just curious?

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Been watching them for years, most recently wrote about it here: https://www.thebrockovichreport.com/p/taking-action-around-the-country

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I was not aware of that derailment.Will rail companies ever really learn.History has a habit of repeating itself! Wake up politicians and money hungry rail companies,People Matter!!!!

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No I wasn’t aware of the accident. I moved to AZ in late 1978 to Phoenix. Strange I didn’t hear about it. I worked at The First National Bank of Arizona on 24th and Washington, close to the airport. All of these disasters are preventable.

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I did not remember this horrible rail disaster in Waverly - I was a young mother raising my 2 sons at that time. However, I am definitely going to share today's newsletter with my online buds on Twitter. Perhaps spark interest in working to make sure we NEVER have another cataclysmic rail disaster like Waverly again!

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How do I send an article that I wrote about East Palestine?


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I don't recall this horrendous tragedy, which surprises me. However, in present day reality, I think the US government is unable to disentangle itself from the tight wad its git its panties in, in order to protect its citizens from disasters such as these; Congress is bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle. Thr bloodthirsty corporations run the show and they have NEVER given a darn about people.

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So sorry for all the misery people are forced to endure... In fact, in April 2006, the day you called us Erin, a terrifying fire & train incident in our area occurred after we hung up & thankfully didn't result in a major fatality in our neighborhood that day! The chaos & crisis that adds to these issues are invisible boundaries (from state, local & county boundary lines to departments inter-fighting over whose territory & responsibility to take over in w/ each entity) + sadly as always MISSED opportunities for each department to make our communities safer & failure to communicate a repeated problem... Didn't know it then but like us many others, mostly mothers were also complaining about the RR crossing & the terrifying near miss incidents w/ trucks, trains & near miss pains... These areas in ILLinois, a.k.a. ILL & annoyed, are now home to the largest shipping hub in Joliet & Elwood, IL (Joliet Jake & Elwood Blues Bro.) USA & the people are deemed collateral damages while employees, communities & our country endures preventable tragic toxic legacies... Insult to injury, potentially & allegedly, lack of ability to communicate & failures depends on the which way the wind blows & water flows for years... During these chemical etc. life-altering situations we may not be able to talk to each other without land lines.... Publicly speaking, we don't hear or see anyone elected after they takes a sip from a local victims cup w/ photo ops. Elected usually don't return calls or dare to call out the obscene until after people scream & have no qualms about taking donations for elections or favorite charity until it's back on a screen... When we kept begging for help for years, (mothers & others) it was because every day so many trucks carrying hazardous materials where playing beat the train in our neighborhood & there were no RR crossing arms to stop the dangerous games of playing chicken w/ trucks & trains w/ hazardous materials... Capitalism & democracy isn't a license to spill or outsourcing 3rd party point the finger at companies to blame; leaving toxins behind to continue to impact & kill every BODY living downwind & downstream. #AllOfUS

Americans+ Loving; Living; Learning & Leading SolUtions = ALL 4; 1 = HumanKIND

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