I am an industrial machine technician for over 37 years, since I was 18 years old. Recently I was working at Grupo bimbo Baking Company, THIS FACILITY IS ONE OF THE 1ST BAKERIES THAT BAKED MCDONALD'S BUNS. I noticed a terrible smell as they were baking buns, AT TIMES MCDONALD'S Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, Great Value products for Sam's Club Walmart BAYS ENGLISH MUFFINS BALL PARK FRANKS BUNS for all the supermarket chains such as TARGET KROGER JEWEL, MARIANOS, WALMART, SAMSCLUB, COSTCO, Shop/N/SAVE and numerous other SUPERMARKET CHAINS in the MIDWEST EAST West Coasts, & in the south. I notified the MANAGEMENT and HR Etc and they told me to mind my own "fucking" business and to get back to work I told them this is my business I have nose bleeds and spitting blood for months now, they told me again to mind my own "fucking" business those are their words!!! I reported them to OSHA EPA and FDA they were forced to put a filtering system on the roof so that the Expired burning ASBESTOS inside the oven and outside the oven would not get to the ATMOSPHERE and the OZONE LAYER they were using some type of chemicals in that Contraption on the roof to filter the air but it was still escaping ASBESTOS into the ATMOSPHERE and the OZONE especially inside of the facility where there were over 300 employees working throughout the shifts and throughout the years that they poisoned everybody with this CONTAMINATED BURNING & DISTURBED ASBESTOS, they were baking the asbestos into the product for McDonald's and all the other fast food CHAINS and SUPERMARKETS for MANY YEARS, they poisoned billions of PEOPLE, that is A CLASS ACTION & CONSUMER FRAUD LAWSUIT IN THE BILLIONS, they refused to seal off the oven until they had it removed while air was blowing on and around it where all the DISTURBED ASBESTOS was and it went into other products that were being made and developed in the area and packaged soon thereafter & EMPLOYEES WORKING THERE! I got hurt tore my rotator cuff labrum injured 2 herniated discs and my back, sciatic problems, for about 6 months they refused any medical treatment to me and told me that I was not entitled to workman's comp because I had already whistle blown to OSHA EPA and FDA on them and they were very angry and made it a hostile environment broke my tools stole my tools sexual harassment against me threatened my life, one of the plant managers came on to the highway at high speeds trying to flip me over to crash on the highway shot projectiles at my vehicle with his Thug friends and then they saw that I was not going to quit from the facility he brought his friends again and they shot at me numerous times and on different dates until today I watch my back, the police came to the scenes made reports but refused to arrest the shooters that were visible to catch and they wouldn't go after them, we reported all of this to the FBI and the doj instead of investigating the police the baking company and supervisor they put us on a watch list for reporting to them about these incidents, they told my doctor to release me on full Duty because they refused to bring me back on light duty but they always allowed all employees on work comp to come back on light duty except for me and when he did force me to go back when I was not even treated I was telling him they're going to fire me for being a whistleblower about the ASBESTOS insulation inside of the bread that I reported to OSHA EPA and FBA they're going to fire me he said they cannot do that they will be all over the news and I said they are and he insisted I go back to try I didn't want to but I went and they fired me that day now I am looking for an attorney for whistleblower retaliatory discharge and retaliatory discharge for workman's compensation and class action lawsuit and Consumer Fraud with the intent & knowing selling bread that had been contaminated with ASBESTOS. Mrs Brockovich PLEASE HELP ME & the innocent. I also have videos & PICTURES of the oven WITH the the DISTURBED ASBESTOS. PLEASE CALL ME AT 773-814-4662 IF I MISS UR CALL PLEASE LEAVE A TEXT or a VOICEMAIL MESSAGE🙏🙏🙏PLEASE HELP US, NOW IM OUT OF A JOB & THEY REFUSE TO PAY ME MY WORKMANS COMPENSATION WEEKLY PAYMENTS.🙏🙏🙏

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We have a similar problem with a landfill in Nova Scotia Canada, it was illegally taking auto shredder residue, into a construction debris landfill where it had no permission , none asked none given, the dump was built on a wetland and its aquifer feeds the 25 drinking water wells below, the toxic auto shredder residue is bad enough, but it caught fire at least twice, I had to move away from the smell of it alone, our provincial government trying to cover up the crimes of this lawless landfill as it is now owned by a construction company that does all the governments big contracts, we filed a freedom of information about well testing ect, but it came back incomplete. Does show industrial levels of lead, and shows the dump is still on fire. They didn’t give us any more info than that, the dump is still open and continues to poison the watershed , auto shredder residue had its own receipt book, and the manager of the dump also owns a scrap metal company that sells its metal to the same company that was dumping thier auto shredder residue at the landfill, the scrap metal company recently burned to the ground, leaving me to assume the scrap metal company was a money laundering endeavour for John Ross and sons auto shredder residue, I worked at the dump for 2 years and lived right across the street for 5 years once I found out the auto shredder residue had no permission I documented all the loads I saw while I was home, 9 months of pictures and emails to environment, with no response until I sent a picture of it on fire again, but that didn’t stop it from coming out either, it just kept coming. I have a petition on change.org, a dump with 2 receipt books, we have had 3 news agencies do stories, but still to be covered up by our government... we need out side help, for the health of the residents below the landfill ..thank you for the platform, andy George Bridgetown, Nova Scotia 902-707-1296

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Hello, my name is Rhonda Doudna and I live in Tontitown, Arkansas. Our community has been dealing with Waste Management Eco-Vista landfill benzene and sulfur dioxide gas poisoning for years. Our State agency, ADEQ, turns a blind eye to violations and has refused to do air and water testing. I would like to send you a packet of information because I can't hit it all here. Can I have a mailing address please. We will take any help we can get. ADEQ received over $1.8 million dollars, in 2022, from WM-EV to regulate them. The land fill was placed on a Karst

topography which feeds many springs. Last testing showed the dye bleed into a local stream. ADEQ still wouldn't do anything. Long story with many moving parts.

Thank you!!!! Rhonda Doudna

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Morgan Rubbish Removal currently is proposing a solid waste transfer station to build in the Town of Mentz and our community is very concerned with the location as it is proposed to be a quarter mile away from our school, less than 500 ft from residences and less than a half a mile away from the Erie Canal. The land it is proposed to be built on is state wetland, its aquifer feeds drinking water wells. I have alot of information on this that I would like to share with you and hopefully you could help. If you could please contact me it would be very much appreciated! Thank you

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Dear Ms Brockovich...I am a Korean veterans widow with a very important question on a chemical that has been known to harm and cause unbelievable trauma to humans as well as a Fetus. I have thought of you so many times because I do not know who to talk to about this.. I am so pleased to find a way to ask what you know about carbon Tetrachloride and its poisoned effects . My direct number is 717 650 4181 if you or someone you trust could help me. It really is a matter of life and death, so I pray you will respond. I am 81 and not finding information. What I have is definitely not answering my questions. Thank you for being here for people like myself. Bless you...Nancee Elaine

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I need to talk to you. My mother died from congestion lungs.... it is from Dow Chemical Company.

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I just read a rather disturbing article in The Gaurdian about the strong possibility of there being chormequat contamination in Quaker Oatmeal and other General mills food products. It's especially concerning to me because I consume this product for years on a regular basis!

Does anyone know of a law firm that would take this opportunity to look into this for me locally in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, I'm a low income person who just recently moved to Vegas and I really don't know very many people yet.

Any information that you can provide me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and attention.

- Samuel Rios.

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I live in Mississippi, on the gulf coast I have had a problem with the water where I live, and the water has possibly created some very serious medical conditions with me. But naturally, no one wants to except responsibility or even listen to my story! I have dates and pictures and timelines, and when I contacted the water company, I was shocked what I was told because they immediately turned it around and blamed me for the water issues, my story is so long I can’t do this all by a text message ! I would love to talk to someone like you, Erin because you understand what I am going through to just prove with my story that I might be right about the bad water. If I am correct, the water almost took my life and I am thankful for each day that I have been given for the last year I will figure some way to make contact with you hopefully so I can tell my story. Jimmy McNeely.

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I have a story about reverse osmosis water. Scientists have now put out a warning about this water and how deadly it is. USA uses this water, coke Pepsi and nestle all use this water as well as Starbucks no one questions this water. The reason why I researched this is because we had one in our home it makes my family sick along with my dog. What that says purified is reverse osmosis water they strip everything out of the water with this method and then try and put the minerals back in it doesn’t work. Unfortunately my husband died from drinking it, the company has been sued for fraud and the store they had a contract with was also sued. The water business is making billions of dollars by using purified water. I realize everyone doesn’t have clean drinking water however there has to be a better way other than reverse osmosis water. I am now contacting medical research universities. This needs to be researched and published Doctors need this information so they know what is going on with their patients. My husband’s small intestines died and his team of 14 doctors could not find out why his body would not hang on to vitamins or minerals he was constantly being infused with them. My research of this water says this is what happens when you drink it along with other symptoms including heart problems kidney disease the list is very long. My dog was having problems with her kidneys and now she is on thyroid medication for the rest of her life.I had the machine removed and flushed out my pipes and my water tank I will only drink spring water or my tap water. My husband always said we humans are like sheep we follow and don’t ask questions about what we put into our bodies the other thing I do is call food companies and ask them what kind of water they use in their products sometimes they will ask me why I’m asking so I tell them. When I find out it’s reverse osmosis water I move on, my son was also sick as well as my granddaughter when we stopped drinking purified water and soda and pre made juice we all started to feel better it took some time but we feel better. I have given this information to my doctor who checks my electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. Thank you for this space to inform people about water quality.

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Without the earth, there will be no manufacturing… no possibilities for poisoning locally, because the whole earth will be in ultimate turmoil.

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Erin. You have an amazingly wonderful way about you. A movie was made. However, you are currently fully and horribly failing. I know, bad introduction.. time is of the essence… Focus on the earth, combine with Greta to help the planet. Immediately. We are so doomed… even with you trying to expand your influence by supporting Greta, I think, it will be too late. Eventually, Elon (read Gotham super villain), will have his human 3d, actualities resident on mars… or whatever he has planned. My Azktee handle toad.social on mastodon, says I am Elon’s conscience, and that I am failing. Failing miserably… if you could talk him into having a conscience? I know, for you, after all your experience, POSSIBLE, sooo possible.. his mission, should he choose to accept it, is to support all other energy sources other than fossil fuels, and to abandon governments who support fossil fuel subsidies. He is that Gotham-like. It is sooo possible!

We are all going to be obliterated, meaning the human race… not chemicals in the air or water, but climate change causing disasters, causing lack of food.. and with Trump like people at the helm, societal mayhem.. So, yeah, continue on, locally, in the US of A, while the whole planet burns. Sarcastically judaiaheritically… yup… just, please, I am asking you to move from local to the earth…begging you to expand a couple of times now… you have the power... use it wisely, please.

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Hello Mrs. Brockovich, I'm a an industrial machine technician for over 37yrs, recently was working for BIMBO, im getting nose bleeds & spitting blood. Bimbo was baking & selling buns muffins that had been CONTAMINATED with ASBESTOS. Selling these products to McDonald's,Burger King, Wendy's, KFC buns & Bay's English Muffins, ballpark franks buns, great value buns,etc. WALMART SAMSCLUB COSTCO KROGER JEWEL TARGET MARIANOS TONYS ETC. Throughout the USA 🇺🇸 the asbestos was burning inside of the oven and the buns and breads were absorbing the asbestos inside the live dough I notified management they told me to mind my own fucking business and they created a hostile environment against me then I reported to OSHA EPA FDA & got severely injured they retaliated against me for Whistleblower & work comp firing me please help this is class action in the billions they've been trying to kill me please call at 7738144662 Dino

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I am an industrial machine technician for over 37 years, since I was 18 years old. Recently I was working at Grupo bimbo Baking Company, THIS FACILITY IS ONE OF THE 1ST BAKERIES THAT BAKED MCDONALD'S BUNS. I noticed a terrible smell as they were baking buns, AT TIMES MCDONALD'S Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, Great Value products for Sam's Club Walmart BAYS ENGLISH MUFFINS BALL PARK FRANKS BUNS for all the supermarket chains such as TARGET KROGER JEWEL, MARIANOS, WALMART, SAMSCLUB, COSTCO, Shop/N/SAVE and numerous other SUPERMARKET CHAINS in the MIDWEST EAST West Coasts, & in the south. I notified the MANAGEMENT and HR Etc and they told me to mind my own "fucking" business and to get back to work I told them this is my business I have nose bleeds and spitting blood for months now, they told me again to mind my own "fucking" business those are their words!!! I reported them to OSHA EPA and FDA they were forced to put a filtering system on the roof so that the Expired burning ASBESTOS inside the oven and outside the oven would not get to the ATMOSPHERE and the OZONE LAYER they were using some type of chemicals in that Contraption on the roof to filter the air but it was still escaping ASBESTOS into the ATMOSPHERE and the OZONE especially inside of the facility where there were over 300 employees working throughout the shifts and throughout the years that they poisoned everybody with this CONTAMINATED BURNING & DISTURBED ASBESTOS, they were baking the asbestos into the product for McDonald's and all the other fast food CHAINS and SUPERMARKETS for MANY YEARS, they poisoned billions of PEOPLE, that is A CLASS ACTION & CONSUMER FRAUD LAWSUIT IN THE BILLIONS, they refused to seal off the oven until they had it removed while air was blowing on and around it where all the DISTURBED ASBESTOS was and it went into other products that were being made and developed in the area and packaged soon thereafter & EMPLOYEES WORKING THERE! I got hurt tore my rotator cuff labrum injured 2 herniated discs and my back, sciatic problems, for about 6 months they refused any medical treatment to me and told me that I was not entitled to workman's comp because I had already whistle blown to OSHA EPA and FDA on them and they were very angry and made it a hostile environment broke my tools stole my tools sexual harassment against me threatened my life, one of the plant managers came on to the highway at high speeds trying to flip me over to crash on the highway shot projectiles at my vehicle with his Thug friends and then they saw that I was not going to quit from the facility he brought his friends again and they shot at me numerous times and on different dates until today I watch my back, the police came to the scenes made reports but refused to arrest the shooters that were visible to catch and they wouldn't go after them, we reported all of this to the FBI and the doj instead of investigating the police the baking company and supervisor they put us on a watch list for reporting to them about these incidents, they told my doctor to release me on full Duty because they refused to bring me back on light duty but they always allowed all employees on work comp to come back on light duty except for me and when he did force me to go back when I was not even treated I was telling him they're going to fire me for being a whistleblower about the ASBESTOS insulation inside of the bread that I reported to OSHA EPA and FBA they're going to fire me he said they cannot do that they will be all over the news and I said they are and he insisted I go back to try I didn't want to but I went and they fired me that day now I am looking for an attorney for whistleblower retaliatory discharge and retaliatory discharge for workman's compensation and class action lawsuit and Consumer Fraud with the intent & knowing selling bread that had been contaminated with ASBESTOS. Mrs Brockovich PLEASE HELP ME & the innocent. I also have videos & PICTURES of the oven WITH the the DISTURBED ASBESTOS. PLEASE CALL ME AT 773-814-4662 IF I MISS UR CALL PLEASE LEAVE A TEXT or a VOICEMAIL MESSAGE🙏🙏🙏PLEASE HELP US, NOW IM OUT OF A JOB & THEY REFUSE TO PAY ME MY WORKMANS COMPENSATION WEEKLY PAYMENTS.🙏🙏🙏

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Darby MT (aka Yellowstone) needs your help. We have toxic soil and had some man buy up the toxic land. He has not done the protocol for removing the soil but has removed soil from the old toxic lumber mill. Please Please help us. The city hall meetings are saying you can only voice you opinion if you are in city limits. But the toxic water is going to be running into irrigating ditches of our community farmers. They will not be able to sell livestock or grow gardens or hay. Those farmers have put in years to make sure their irrigating ditches are free of toxins. Please help us is you can.

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Erin I need your help please this is a national security issue as I am being tortured by the cia daily and I'm about to the giving up on finding anyone to help point.....I feel honestly that this is almost a hopeless nightmare. Erin I have admired and loved you and your story most of my life and I just know you can help me and your likely my very last hope.....Please save me Erin Brockovich. You really truly could be my saving grace. My Name is Barry And my number is 2483612520 if your unable to help yourself could you please please please point me in a direction where someone who maybe could might be found.....Thank you for being such an inspiration.

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Please watch this video of the Heritage trucks hiding their placards while transporting this toxic shit:


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