I also wrote an open letter to the My Climate Journey community about investing in water, taking action with politicians re: PFAs and resiliency of water systems, and charging the real price of water. It'll be published this Sunday.
Now might be the right time to convert and/or construct the thousands of miles of *pipelines* needed to equalize the flood states towards drought states and a win-win? As well implement DeSal technology and leach fields, and the whole host of other remedial and restorative infrastructure projects needed to rebalance and offset what our opportunism and industrial manipulation has done to fossil water and replenished aquifers. The demands on agriculture and free range vegetation will only continue to grow with overpopulation.
Appreciate you bringing awareness to the reduction in water quality as a result of wild fires.
I'm willing to not speak to take on climate change. I took a vow of silence since July 1 to raise awareness for the global water crisis. I wrote about it here: https://www.samuelianrosen.com/blog/2021/6/27/a-vow-of-silence-for-planet-earth. I'm extending my vow of silence indefinitely.
I also wrote an open letter to the My Climate Journey community about investing in water, taking action with politicians re: PFAs and resiliency of water systems, and charging the real price of water. It'll be published this Sunday.
Now might be the right time to convert and/or construct the thousands of miles of *pipelines* needed to equalize the flood states towards drought states and a win-win? As well implement DeSal technology and leach fields, and the whole host of other remedial and restorative infrastructure projects needed to rebalance and offset what our opportunism and industrial manipulation has done to fossil water and replenished aquifers. The demands on agriculture and free range vegetation will only continue to grow with overpopulation.