The storm has also caused a major disaster marina industry. All of the basins where these marinas are now filled with damaged and destroyed vessels digging major amounts of toxins and fuels into the waters. The reason I speak of the De-Oil-It product is this it should be used in all types of cleanup from disasters around the world. It has been proven to be one of the most easy to attain, safest for the environment and easy to apply products to help mitigate damage to our precious environment.

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There is a product called De-Oil-It Hydrocarbon Degrader, that may be of some assistance in the management of cleanup and management of these types of pollution issues. What I hear is it has the ability to break down many types of toxins and hazardous chemical compounds. It is an environmentally safe cleaner that has ability to break down toxicity and return the byproducts back to the earth naturally. Worth looking in to…


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So horrifying, but what did we think would happen? 🌎 😢

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I have lived in Florida since 1978. My whole street back then had cancer. There were 12 homes on the street. It was built on an Orange Grove and buy a lake where they dumped toxic chemicals. Back then, I knew nothing about Miss Brockovich. I had breast cancer, my daughter had thyroid cancer, three of the woman had breast cancer, one person had lung cancer, another mother had breast cancer, her husband had brain cancer cancer and their son had colon cancer and another neighbor there had some type of cancer. I cannot remember exactly what type of cancer she had but we all had it at a very young age. We were all in our early 30s back then and several of the neighbors died very young. Most the whole street ended up with cancer at early ages.

I still live in Florida next to a Sewage Lift Station and polluted lake. Myself and some other neighbors have been sick with gastritis, inflammation and other medical problems only since moving into the our new neighborhood four years ago. I truly believe the water is very toxic and killing many people, as a matter of fact, the sewage Lift Station is within 15 feet of my home is being taken out because they have had many problems with it and I truly believe they know it it’s causing illness. They keep building and building and don’t care about the wetlands, and how toxic and polluted their cluster neighborhoods can become because it’s all about money for the builders and some of the county commissioners. I know I have become ill from breathing in all the toxic fumes and taking showers with the toxic water going into my pores. I don’t care what they say or what they test because the truth is it from them over building in Sanford, Florida. I am totally disgusted with the greed rather than caring about the health of us taxpaying citizens! Saving the planet isn’t just about gas and mission. It’s about plowing down thousands and thousands of trees and replacing it with concrete and silver ridge lift stations in Florida. That’s going to be cut one big cesspool with no life! We just had a cat five hurricane, and that was because of all the concrete heating up Florida and no more trees shading Florida! But they just don’t use their heads because money is more important to them!

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Dear Erin; Suzanne & Every BODY Everywhere;

Please show & tell all of us/US the proven science & DIY know how to clean up after floods & how to protect our health & property 365 days 24/7. In fact no need for a major weather crisis outside to make our IAQ inside health impacting & property damaging too. IAQ-Indoor Air Quality can be 5 x or higher expsosures that can cause family members & pets to become sicker quicker from toxic expsoures indoors & closed spaces. BLDG Science = Every BODY! PAID FOR BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE BLDG SCIENCE BY EPA, FEMA, HUD, CDC... IRL KNOW HOW TO SAFELY CLEAN UP AFTER FLOODS & EVERY DAY TLC SOLVES INDOOR HEALTH & PROPERTY DAMAGING MYSTERY & MISERY! Enviornmental Protection Agency Facts & Guides:

Safely Clean Up Your Flooded Home

Promote Healthy Indoor Air Quality and Safe Flood Recovery

Flooded Home

Was your home damaged in flooding from recent hurricanes?

Floods can introduce new hazards indoors and worsen existing ones. Flood waters can carry sewage and other harmful substances indoors and standing water and wet materials can become a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and mold.

Below are tips on how to safely clean up a flooded home and promote safe and healthy indoor air quality following a flood.

Tips for Safe Flood Cleanup

Flood Cleanup Poster

Children, pregnant people, and people with weakened immune systems or chronic breathing problems like asthma should not help with flood cleanup.

Wear personal protective equipment when you clean up, including goggles (without vent holes), an N-95 respirator, long sleeves, protective gloves, long pants, and boots or work shoes.

Clean and dry your home and everything in it within 24 to 48 hours, if you can.

Clean hard surfaces with detergent and water. Do not mix cleaning products together or add bleach to other chemicals.

Decide what flood-damaged furniture and belongings you should keep and clean or throw away.

While cleaning, ventilate and dry your home by using fans and dehumidifiers and by opening doors and windows, if possible. If you can already see mold, do not use fans because fans may spread the mold.


To safely use a fuel-powered portable generator, place it 20 feet from all homes.

Operate portable generators safely. NEVER use a fuel-powered portable generator inside your home, garage, shed, or any enclosed areas. Always use generators outside and at least 20 feet away from buildings. Generator exhaust contains deadly carbon monoxide gas. Learn more about how to safely provide power during a power outage.

Visit EPA’s new Flood Cleanup to Protect Indoor Air and Your Health page for more information on actions you can take to protect your health and IAQ when cleaning up after a flood.

Learn More with EPA's Flooded Homes Cleanup Guidance

Flood Homes Video Seriers

EPA Flooded Homes Video Series

Coming Home

Before You Enter Your Home

Entering a Flooded Home

What to Wear: Worksite Safety

Tools Needed for Repairing a Flooded Home

Doing it Yourself

Installing Roof, Window, and Door Tarps

Removing Standing Water & Mucking Out

Floor Cleanup and Removal After a Flood

Wall Cleanup and Removal After a Flood

Drying Everything Out After a Flood

Protecting Your Health

Asbestos Tips for a Flooded Home

Lead Paint Tips for a Flooded Home

Mold and Moisture Basics

Generator Safety

Additional Resources

First Aid for a Flooded Home

Things to Keep, Clean, or Remove After a Flood

Debris Removal After a Flood https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USEPAIAQ/bulletins/32f8fc3

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