Caroline and Nancy, despite being told “all parameters assessed were normal….” you see the writing on the wall. You will continue to be stonewalled. Doing what is right rather than what is easy is something few people have the courage to do. It is highly disturbing that in the United States of America the agencies who we believe are in place to protect us may actually be protecting those we need protection from. Continue to persevere.

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It’s time to close the Brookhaven landfill. The North Bellport community has suffered long enough. The community of North Bellport hasn’t gotten a break from this landfill for almost 50 years. Our life expectancy rate is 73.2 years the lowest on all of Long Island. We are dealing with a crisis & Environmental justice. Thank you .

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I had to move my family away from this area to limit their exposure and breathe easier. It is sad to me that this environment injustice is allowed to happen causing illness and diminishing quality of life of so many. Change needs to happen as people are unaware until it is one day affecting them. Too many deaths, too many illnesses with the cause being right there with vocs fingerprinted from the landfill to the school so no symptoms are really unexplained. Open your eyes and see it for what it is and keep putting pressure for change. It is amazing for me the things we take for granted. Lowering the testing standards to make it "fit" to short term guidelines when children are their all day should be illegal. Shame on them all!

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