Do you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask me? Want advice on how to fight injustice in your backyard? Put your questions or comments in the chat, and I’ll be here at 1 PM ET to answer as many as I can.
Thanks again for your questions and comments today. Erin had to run but please know this forum is open for all of you. We're building a community here and we can all help each other out. Since we had such an amazing response, I will speak with Erin to get more chat time with her soon. Thank YOU!
I believe you mean Susanne Boothby & Erin Brockovich.... Thanks for your efforts Mr. Mark Damon Bitkower! Obviously you care about our families, communities & planet!
Hey everyone, thank you so much for your questions! This reminds we have so much work to do, we are here and we're asking questions and together, we will get answers and change. I know that sounds cliche but you inspire me. Superman's not coming, but we are! This is good. I'm gonna answer a few more q's and then I have to sign off.
I should have also included, since the onset of my own meth toxins journey starting 2 1/2 years ago, I have been inspired and guided by you "Channeling my Erin Brockovich". This is my opportunity to say, thank you for helping me turn my mess into a message that has already proven to help others. With grit and grace guiding me, I am beyond grateful! Thank you!
How is a city who has a major lead in water crisis due to poor corrosion control treatments and disintegrating 115+ year old city water mains forced to declare the water unsafe for human consumption?
Despite dozens of very high lead levels independently tested using EPA labs at private residences in various parts of town (including newer subdivisions) as well as all elementary schools (even ones built in the last 15 years) a class action lawsuit, and YOU, Erin Brockovich expressing your concerns, in addition to you interviewing my son and I for The Brockovich Report, our city CONTINUES to make statements that their water operators “meet and exceed” all EPA guidelines. Lots of flushing of hydrants happening and it is winter where we are.
Why? Because they are full of bullshit! This goes right to aging infrastructure. It's happening all across America. Did I say this is bullshit? Glad you did the Brockovich report with us. We will just have to get a little louder!
HI Erin, I found courage and resilliency turning my mess into a message to help others defeat the dangers of meth toxins in our homes and lives. Even when I was at my lowest moments, I worked to launch Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance, a platform of prevention and resources. I have so many questions, and thank you for this forum! Given the chance for one question today, what is one action you suggest for someone like me bringing awareness, education, and more for optimal impact especially during these unique times when everyone is saturated with other top of mind issues. Thank you!
That's an excellent question, Kathi! Thank you for creating awareness around this issue. I'm happy to help push this message out on FB. It is overwhelming, we are inundated with a lot of dark, heavy news. What I suggest: find your stick-to-it-iveness. Propensity to follow through, dogged persistence in a determined manner. Dig those heels in. Just keep going! Don't give up on your message. You need the dogged persistence to keep going. We are in a time, when we are all feeling overwhelmed. It's ok to take a break but keep going.
Lawrence! You are my hero. You are a shining example of a community member rising up and leading others on PFAS. You got pro-active rather than reactive. We are here to do this together. PFAS is all of our problem. Thank you, you're a great guy. You have courage, my friend.
Thank you for being the voice of the people. Most of us would just accept this and we shouldn’t have to. When I found the issues with the toxic water on the military bases I was sickened and saddened. These men and women fought for our country. Now many years later we are getting sick. You have inspired me to make this my mission. Thanks for all of your help.
Stacy, thank you! This is a great mission and none of us can do this together. And I'm sure we will be doing more work. We will keep talking, keep pushing and when we keep showing up and the more we grow, the louder the voice, the more we will be heard.
Hello Erin! I am a Sustainability Commissioner here in Palm Springs CA and we are trying to stop the use of Roundup and similar classification of this dangerously designed poison...we are being told by the city lawyers that we cannot ban a product....this is dangers and is being sold currently in non protected retail environments, sometimes right next to food or kids products....I find it impossible to accept the fact that Roundup now owned by Bayer cannot sell or distribute or use their nightmare poisons in the EU, their own backyard...yet they can sell their dangerous poisons anywhere in the USA where they are used w/ no understanding of the dangers involved. I feel they should be totally banned but in the meantime how can we stop this on going poisoning of our environment and the hazards to all living creatures. including Humans of course. What right does a foreign company have to dump their poisons here for profit? We cannot allow our pollinators to be destroyed just so a large foreign corporation can make large profits. It is very frustrating and our pollinators are being killed off every year because of these dangerous "designer" poisons. Thanks very much and be well always!
Did I already say this morning that this is bullshit!? There's lawsuits going for people harmed and yet the sales continue. Our laws our antiquated, along with our policies and some of our leaders. Email me please and we will get on the phone. I don't live far from you! I'm thinking city council, town hall meetings, local media... this goes to everything I'm harping on. What are we thinking!!?
Manure-stained blue farm booties purposely blemish the township road leading from a nearby swine factory farm to our family farm in rural Dodge County, Minnesota—another reminder that industry giants are large and in charge. Fighting back against installation of the 11th and 12th swine factory farms in a 3-mile radius, my family faced repeated harassment and intimidation following initiation of multiple lawsuits against Dodge County officials and area swine operators. Bullet holes shot in the stop sign just a few hours after my brother and I pulled weeds from the field a few feet away, constant garbage dumped in our roadside ditches and driveway, a large piece of metal hidden in the tall grass that damaged our mower, pure Roundup sprayed on the corn field and caused thousands of dollars of damage, false telephone calls by industry folks to the sheriff’s department (not to report some illegal activity but to put the heat on my family and get us to shut up), harassing late night phone calls to my elderly father, including such comments as “Have you changed yet?” and other harassing tactics—all telltale signs of a deeply divided rural America.
With a front row seat, my family witnessed the destructive and transformative power of industrial agriculture and faced repeated harassment and intimidation for our efforts to courageously speak out against unbridled industry giants. My family finally went to the press—not to grab headlines—but for our own safety. The harassment and intimidation experienced by my family is consistent with the pattern of harassment and intimidation targeted at other farm families who oppose factory farms and something more powerful—the corporatization of rural America.
The harassment and intimidation tactics directed at my family are consistent with tactics employed against other farm families. Can you help us?
Holy Shit! No pun intended. This reminds me of another story, Lynne Hinnings in Michigan, who has taken this battle on as well. I'd love to connect you two. She's on Twitter and she's fabulous. I just found your email and just responded to you. Look for it!
Thanks for the quick response. I am very familiar with Lynn. We have compared notes, as the tactics used in Michigan (Lynn's home state) are the same tactics used in my home state (Minnesota). Lynn and I are aware of other farm families who have faced similar harassment and intimidation. The tactics are the same. The locations are different. Someone or some organization is training these folks.
If you or others are interested, my brother created a mini-documentary a few years ago, The Dark Side of the Other White Meat. You will note a few references to the harassment and intimidation that occurred at that time. Following release of the mini-documentary (which we hoped would end the harassment and intimidation), industry pawns actually ramped up this activity. The only way to stop this bullying activity is to shine light on this activity.
Hi Erin. I am reaching people in charge of water for NYC. Currently we have NO filtration plants & are operating with a waiver from EPA. A letter from you is critical for politicians paying attention. Can you write such a letter?
Good question! I just educated myself on this one. There’s not one that I recommend per se, but as I say Superman’s not coming, so don’t be afraid to get on Google and find out what is applicable to you. Call labs in your area. Look online fo… and search it out, that will send you a test kit to your home. National Testing Laboratories (at is one that looks promising, they will send you the kit and preserve the sample. This would be something you can do. Make sure you find a test for whether it’s at your tap or in your well. The hold time is short for glyphosate so you want to turn that sample around fast.
How when given a cease and desist order from TVA is a company allowed to continue construction at a sand and gravel mining site? This area is beside the Duck River. It's in Humphreys County and is littered with Native American Artifacts.
How do I fight the rock crushers in Chico Tx ... I haven’t been able to breathe since we moved back here and it’s like they are trying to buy everyone out here ,and run us out of town basically .. offering land prices only to people even though there are homes on these properties , and they have bought up almost all the extra land in town .. idk what’s going on here but it gives me a feeling they are up to something :(
Hi Erin, I live in a town that has been polluted by GE. They are trying to pay our sister town, Lee, off with $25 million. Our town, Great Barrington will get $1 million. They polluted our river, The Housatonic River and it emits PCBs that travel and cause cancer. Many people have been ill with cancer and there are hot spots around the river. They want us to accept their money and their proposal - To dredge the river to clean it and place the PCBs in a toxic waste dump site on a pristene site in our sister town, Lee - in a neighborhood filled with young families and schools. This will be a big toxic waste dump site they will cap and is located close to the river so that when it leaks, the leachate will go down into the Housatonic River, where it came from. This is a big fight we are dealing with. We need you!!!!
Hi Erin, My name is Barry Wray, I represent a broad coalition fighting to prevent the release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in the FL Keys. In the past you had befriended our dear late friend and troubadour Mila de Mier in regard to this issue. We have prevented this for nearly 10 yeas and now this release is weeks away. A more detailed regulatory investigation by the EPA of this technology was in process was interfered with by Roy Bailey a high powered political lobbyist who was closely tied to President Trump, and a bullied EPA approved this in total obscurity. President Biden recently issued a directive about restoring trust via integrity in science and specifically pointing to regulatory agencies. We have reached out in many directions and have recently worked with Congressman Carlos Gimenez who has submitted an official Letter of Inquiry to the EPA regarding this approval. Gene-drive species being released into the wild can potential place us all at risk. One that has not been properly investigated even more greatly so, but still worse it creates a precedent that will enable easier approval for poorly review technology to increase risk for our nation and beyond. Our question is can you help us develop communication with the new Biden administration in an effort to suspend or revoke this experimental use permit, until a proper scientific investigation process can be defined and executed by independent and objective scientist? Alternatively, is there someone who can assist with legal action that would result in a stay by the courts? Currently, we have to take Oxitec's word for how safe this GM species is. They have a very conflicted historical relationship with truth and accuracy.
USA mainstream Doctors ignore my cries of environmental poisoning and only treat with what I call bandaides! New word in my vocabulary HERZ HEIMER. Top of the 3rd month of biotoxin detox after 2 years living in a water damaged basement without ventilation nor control of thermastat! With negligent and harassment from landlords upstairs. Want law and Justice served. Erin thanks for years of the fight. This will be me to fight and educate one another.
How can the local Florida Keys residents prevent the upcoming trial of a biotech company from releasing half a billion genetically modified mosquitos into our environment without our consent?
I live in St. Louis and often feel overwhelmed by the pesticides used in the farmlands all across MO that is ending up in our water. With the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers converging here, it’s difficult to ignore. What should I do to start to make a change in my state. ( big question I know!) thank you again!!
6-PPD-quinone in plastic tires. Is there a non-toxic alternative? 6-PPD is an additive that absorbs ozone, then kills salmon, possibly other sea animals.
Have you ever looked at Parental Alienation, Title IV-D of the social security act? Been grieving the loss of a child still alive who was abducted out of CA against court orders in 2008. The child would later reach out for help then always disappear. She has attempted suicide in Utah 3 times and is now 21. After all the hell her mom made a false claim of never receiving child support (I have 8 years of cashed checks before she fled the state) and have a 258k arrears based on fraud. Famiky court ignores irrefutable evidence because of their incentives to collect without vetting claims. Any advice welcome
I've read articles about this, sad, scary, heart-breaking. This is a big conversation and not my area of expertise, but I would say try to find a quiet space... and remember you are not alone. There are groups that can help support and I would reach out to them for more advice.
Thank you Erin. I find delivering evidence is not so different as these past two impeachment. Evidence ignored and I need a Jake Brigance closing argument to the judge "now imagine she was white " to make them consider if this happened to their child. Those arrears letters based on fraud feel like ransom demands. Courts ordered reunification for years and assigned a G.A.L. her mom never allowed Juliette to speak to either GAL or therapist.
P.S. my father Marshall Bitkower had told me he worked with you before he passed away. Is the name familiar? He was friends with Edward Masry.
Hi Erin, I work as a carpenter on the island of Martha's Vineyard. I also serve as a Health Commissioner for the Tisbury Board of Health. The Board is in it's 6th or 8th year of attempting to get the power company Eversource to stop spraying defoliants on the, albeit limited, power line Right of Ways. We are facing resistance of the same sort as is confronting voters on Cape Cod and the advocacy group POCCA led by Laura Kelly. It would be great if you would be able to meet with us and share your expertise with moving heavy immoveable organizations. They do not give us much time to act and seem to have a big foot in the door of government support. Our Health Agent, Laura Valley and fellow Commissioner Michael Loberg are great resources, and repositories of knowledge, that is just short a wee bit of persuading the powers that be to back off. As far as we know, Julian Cyr and Dylan Fernandez, our regional representatives in Boston are on our side. Governmental process is cumbersome and seemingly inflexible. We could use some help and fresh ideas.
Great q! It's happening in other states too. We need a national alliance, because this is something utilities seem to be quietly doing. Email me, as this is a longer convo and would love to get all of you connected:
Good q! You got too technical for me, I don't know... I will find out! LOL. And get back to you. We will figure it out and thank you for wanting to spread the word.
My small town ( population under 2000 ) gets it's water from 3 wells operated by a small water company. There is a massive landfill 10 miles away at a higher elevation. I am wondering if we should be concerned about forever chemicals, and if so what is the best way to go about testing for them. Perhaps we as a town can band together and raise money for this testing. This town also has many commercial nurseries and I wonder about the process for testing for ag chemicals..
Ugh, well water! a system off-the-grid. We often find some of our worst contaminants hidden away. You're on the right track to look at independent testing. Send me an email:
Hi Erin, my question is how can someone interested get involved directly with the Community Healthbook and other great work you’re doing in communities as a researcher/recent graduate? Thank you!!!!
OMG, I'm so glad you asked. I'm working on community healthbook right now to get it live. As soon as we do, I'll let you know! PS: haha, on top of everything else, I'm learning to build a platform! Oh my!
Good luck with everything, it will be such a great resource! I have a background in GIS if you need a volunteer and Thank you so much for your response! my email is
Hi Erin, I live in Dickson county TN and we are currently trying to stop a fuel terminal from being built that is 600 ft from our water source. We have a lawyer and are working with Turnbull Preservation who is also helping with this fight but our town council is against us. The fuel company is Titan brothers and they have had problems and fines all over the country. What can we do when our own county government wants this built? By the way our water goes into several other counties so it will not be just us that are affected if there is a fire or leaks.
First thing that comes to mind, it reminds me of a situation with Shell Oil in Carson, CA. You are taking great steps. I would show up at city council in MASS, lawyer in hand, organize a BIG walk-in to city council (hundreds of folks). And I'll shout it out on social for you! You're taking the right steps. Remember: leverage, get everyone to show up!
Hi Erin. Several months ago I sent Bob Bowcock information on a process, called reverse diffusion desalination or RDD, to desalinate and generally clean up polluted water. Bob promised to forward the email to you, since I couldn't access your site directly. Did you ever get it the info and if not would you like to review the power point about RDD? Thank you for all you do! Eben Loewenthal
Hi Erin, I'm looking for help regarding a fire caused by PG&E due to neglect of their equipment, looking for representation or help to prepare and file a case for property damage.
I cook in cast iron skillet. Teflon becomes a problem when it flakes and chips. I opt for something different. My mom taught me cast iron was the only way! PFOA can leak out, so I don't use them.
I've used a cast iron skillet for decades... The same one. Conditioning them is simple. Heat them up to frying temp. and add butter, or veggie oil/shortening. Spread it around as it sizzles and that should do it. It may take 2 or 4 occasion s to develop a good non-stick layer, but depending on how you cook with it, it'll keep it's conditioning. Dishes where you fry in butter will work best. If you use the pan for cooking gravy or something with a non-oil base, you might have to condition it again. I love this pan, (actually i have 2), and the only down side it that you won't likely be flipping pancakes with it... Use an egg lifter.
How do we stop an industrial landfill, where I know for a fact things are being dumped by companies as Kimberly-Clark, Domtar, Century Aluminum and foundry Waupaca. These waste should be going in a lined site. Neighbors are losing animals and pets due to leaching and runoff water, that’s making its way to creeks and streams that lead to the Ohio Tiver affecting a lot of people.
My son stage 4 cancer many others that had and more that have cancer no one will help I remember you years ago what can I do more doors close no help its sick this is on out road no one will help my other kids now live ther places no cancer for them why
I heard that at one time you were fighting against the hpv vaccine being approved in the US. My child is now the age to get the vaccine and I am being pressured by his doctors to have him get it. Do you believe the current vaccine is safe?
We just found out about 3 weeks ago that our Artesian well which is 375” down is contaminated with PFOS & PFOAS.
It started in our neighbouring town of LItchfield, NH 2 yrs ago and now it’s in Londonderry and I hear they have the same problems in Windham another town over from us.
Can you help??
This is caused by Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics in Merrimack, NH.
They are supplying water thru Monadnock Mountain Spring Water, but saying just because St. Gobain is paying for our water. They are not admitting to be guilty of all the chemicals they dump has caused this problem.
Golder Associates Inc.
670 North Commercial St
Suite 103
Manchester, NH 03101
Is the company that hired Analytical Report.
Penichuck is the company that would do this and they majorly messed up the community in Litchfield, NH.
We want TO KEEP OUR WELL. We know they have charcoal systems, Osmosis Systems and Whole House Treatment System.
I was told by the Toxicologist said that St. Gobain would be responsible to pay for whatever Treatment we want.
Erin, I know you are familiar w/ the ‘Green Ooze’ contamination on MI freeway 696 in Madison Heights Michigan. My husband lived 600 ft NE of site directly in line of groundwater flow for 25 yrs. He ate from a vegetable garden. He died last yr after fighting a very rare aggressive cancer. Medical tests revealed that he had EXTREMELY HIGH LEVELS of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, silver, zinc, lead, tin & iron: All same metals used at ElectroPlating Services and dumped into ground for 20+ yrs. It is obvious that my husband was poisoned by this contamination; Although we don’t yet know the direct route to his exposure. I KNOW he was poisoned. I’ve got to find a way to show the route by which he was exposed. I need help!! Any advice you can give me in this area is greatly appreciated. Thank you! -Mary
Hello Erin. Our township board members are considering rezoning a piece of property for sale in our community from FR (Farming/Residential) to Heavy Industrial at the request of a company that wants to build an asphalt plant there. This is next to our homes, farms and small lakes. We are also all on private wells. All of the residents have voiced concern at the last two township meetings, yet the board members are continuing to look into the possibility of rezoning and allowing this to continue. What can we do to fight this before it is too late?
I struggle with imposter syndrome and it’s got worse since losing my job and no opportunity since Covid hit us. You strike me as either never experiencing it or overcame it. Either way I’d appreciate any advice. It’s hard but so far I’m managing to sticktoitiveness m. Thanks, Karolyn, N Ireland 💚☘️
How does the general public obtain a Nonprofit or Corp’s data results to qualify their effectiveness? Nonprofits seem to boast the impact they have on the communities, yet statics to validate it are virtually impossible to find.
What about toxic IAQ inside buildings, homes & schools? Toxic MOLD & poison filled chemicals has taken hold of our health & homes & health care a.k.a. HELL-SCARE industries. Insult to injury medical facilities are pumping out even more fragrances too. CDC banned scented products & from anyone personally using them & for cleaning on their properties too. HOW CAN WE MAKE OUR INDOOR MISERY END & CREATE AN EDUCATION IAQ BUILDING SCIENCE EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT? Building Back Better Together with real life saving facts, logic, reason & science so our kids are not continuous victims of our toxic poison filled system inside out homes & buildings.
Thanks for the TGIF inspiration. Is ther a way to down load Superman's Not Coming. I get sick from all types of smells & chemicals & we have mold here to so I would have to toss the book if we can escape this toxic moldy hell. Can't finda a safe palce to live anywhere it's mission impossible. CAN YOU SHARE WITH US HOW DID YOU FIND A SAFE HOME & PLACE TO LIVE & WHAT YOU USE OR DON'T USE & AVOID AT ALL TIME? HOW TO LOOK FOR ISSUES THAT COULD PLACE OUR HOMES & COMMUNITIES IN JEOPARDY?
Hi Tammy, There is a digital version of the book on Amazon. You can download the Kindle app for free on your computer or download it onto a digital reading device. Hope that helps! Thanks for being here.
Good to know! Thanks for sharing the scoop Suzanne Boothby! Tragically like so many millions of us in the US & all over the world fumes from noxious chemical smells & odors make us very sick & after being exposed to repeat contamination & toxic poison filled exposures the vicious circle of physical & mental harm is never ending. The continuous poison fueled & fumed toxic exposures, as you already know are our global crisis of epic repeat misery & the causes are not a mystery. The odors off-gassing from any book will make me overwhelmed with multiple suffering & IRL sickening symptoms. Being stuck in repeat contaminated MOLD filled buildings & to date is considered 70% of all BLDGs in the USA + unsafe chemicals people use in our shared BLDG space is adding to the smell you later & later & later fumes & plumes of doom hell. Approximately 55 Million in the USA alone suffer from diagnosed EI & MCS diseases. These issues were confirmed the 1970's as disabilities by the DOE-Education, SSI, HUD but now seemed to be another hidden trade secret & a.k.a. corporate & political betrayal too all HumanKIND. When you total the costs & lives lost from preventable diseases & cancers, in addition to massive property damages & homeless crisis, it would make sense for the greater good to make all of us our collective priority of protecting all Americans as a majority. Keep up the good work! Wishing you & yours continuous good health & every day LOLs. #AllOfUS #DoNoHARM #PoisonOnPurposeProfitsStopIt
Hi Everyone,
Thanks again for your questions and comments today. Erin had to run but please know this forum is open for all of you. We're building a community here and we can all help each other out. Since we had such an amazing response, I will speak with Erin to get more chat time with her soon. Thank YOU!
Thank you Suzanne. You guys rock.
Thank you Tammy and Erin. Appreciate your time and thoughts/advice in combating injustices and predatory broken laws.
I believe you mean Susanne Boothby & Erin Brockovich.... Thanks for your efforts Mr. Mark Damon Bitkower! Obviously you care about our families, communities & planet!
Thank you Suzanne. Appreciate your advice or guidance. 💙
Thank you for all your hard work & efforts too.
Thanks, Tammy!
Hey everyone, thank you so much for your questions! This reminds we have so much work to do, we are here and we're asking questions and together, we will get answers and change. I know that sounds cliche but you inspire me. Superman's not coming, but we are! This is good. I'm gonna answer a few more q's and then I have to sign off.
I should have also included, since the onset of my own meth toxins journey starting 2 1/2 years ago, I have been inspired and guided by you "Channeling my Erin Brockovich". This is my opportunity to say, thank you for helping me turn my mess into a message that has already proven to help others. With grit and grace guiding me, I am beyond grateful! Thank you!
I am you, you are me, we are all together, like the Beatles song!
Oneness! Yes! Goo goo g'joob
Thank you for your generous, extraordinary opportunity! Do you prefer I email directly this information?
Hi Erin!!! Thank you for doing this!
How is a city who has a major lead in water crisis due to poor corrosion control treatments and disintegrating 115+ year old city water mains forced to declare the water unsafe for human consumption?
Despite dozens of very high lead levels independently tested using EPA labs at private residences in various parts of town (including newer subdivisions) as well as all elementary schools (even ones built in the last 15 years) a class action lawsuit, and YOU, Erin Brockovich expressing your concerns, in addition to you interviewing my son and I for The Brockovich Report, our city CONTINUES to make statements that their water operators “meet and exceed” all EPA guidelines. Lots of flushing of hydrants happening and it is winter where we are.
Why? Because they are full of bullshit! This goes right to aging infrastructure. It's happening all across America. Did I say this is bullshit? Glad you did the Brockovich report with us. We will just have to get a little louder!
HI Erin, I found courage and resilliency turning my mess into a message to help others defeat the dangers of meth toxins in our homes and lives. Even when I was at my lowest moments, I worked to launch Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance, a platform of prevention and resources. I have so many questions, and thank you for this forum! Given the chance for one question today, what is one action you suggest for someone like me bringing awareness, education, and more for optimal impact especially during these unique times when everyone is saturated with other top of mind issues. Thank you!
That's an excellent question, Kathi! Thank you for creating awareness around this issue. I'm happy to help push this message out on FB. It is overwhelming, we are inundated with a lot of dark, heavy news. What I suggest: find your stick-to-it-iveness. Propensity to follow through, dogged persistence in a determined manner. Dig those heels in. Just keep going! Don't give up on your message. You need the dogged persistence to keep going. We are in a time, when we are all feeling overwhelmed. It's ok to take a break but keep going.
Erin, I just sent you an email to follow up your very generous offer to push this out on FB. Thank you!
Thank you so much for always making yourself available to talk and help anyone that has had their lives disrupted by water contamination
You are a very caring person
Lawrence! You are my hero. You are a shining example of a community member rising up and leading others on PFAS. You got pro-active rather than reactive. We are here to do this together. PFAS is all of our problem. Thank you, you're a great guy. You have courage, my friend.
Thank you for being the voice of the people. Most of us would just accept this and we shouldn’t have to. When I found the issues with the toxic water on the military bases I was sickened and saddened. These men and women fought for our country. Now many years later we are getting sick. You have inspired me to make this my mission. Thanks for all of your help.
Stacy Hicks
Loving My Veteran
Stacy, thank you! This is a great mission and none of us can do this together. And I'm sure we will be doing more work. We will keep talking, keep pushing and when we keep showing up and the more we grow, the louder the voice, the more we will be heard.
Hello Erin! I am a Sustainability Commissioner here in Palm Springs CA and we are trying to stop the use of Roundup and similar classification of this dangerously designed poison...we are being told by the city lawyers that we cannot ban a product....this is dangers and is being sold currently in non protected retail environments, sometimes right next to food or kids products....I find it impossible to accept the fact that Roundup now owned by Bayer cannot sell or distribute or use their nightmare poisons in the EU, their own backyard...yet they can sell their dangerous poisons anywhere in the USA where they are used w/ no understanding of the dangers involved. I feel they should be totally banned but in the meantime how can we stop this on going poisoning of our environment and the hazards to all living creatures. including Humans of course. What right does a foreign company have to dump their poisons here for profit? We cannot allow our pollinators to be destroyed just so a large foreign corporation can make large profits. It is very frustrating and our pollinators are being killed off every year because of these dangerous "designer" poisons. Thanks very much and be well always!
Did I already say this morning that this is bullshit!? There's lawsuits going for people harmed and yet the sales continue. Our laws our antiquated, along with our policies and some of our leaders. Email me please and we will get on the phone. I don't live far from you! I'm thinking city council, town hall meetings, local media... this goes to everything I'm harping on. What are we thinking!!?
Manure-stained blue farm booties purposely blemish the township road leading from a nearby swine factory farm to our family farm in rural Dodge County, Minnesota—another reminder that industry giants are large and in charge. Fighting back against installation of the 11th and 12th swine factory farms in a 3-mile radius, my family faced repeated harassment and intimidation following initiation of multiple lawsuits against Dodge County officials and area swine operators. Bullet holes shot in the stop sign just a few hours after my brother and I pulled weeds from the field a few feet away, constant garbage dumped in our roadside ditches and driveway, a large piece of metal hidden in the tall grass that damaged our mower, pure Roundup sprayed on the corn field and caused thousands of dollars of damage, false telephone calls by industry folks to the sheriff’s department (not to report some illegal activity but to put the heat on my family and get us to shut up), harassing late night phone calls to my elderly father, including such comments as “Have you changed yet?” and other harassing tactics—all telltale signs of a deeply divided rural America.
With a front row seat, my family witnessed the destructive and transformative power of industrial agriculture and faced repeated harassment and intimidation for our efforts to courageously speak out against unbridled industry giants. My family finally went to the press—not to grab headlines—but for our own safety. The harassment and intimidation experienced by my family is consistent with the pattern of harassment and intimidation targeted at other farm families who oppose factory farms and something more powerful—the corporatization of rural America.
The harassment and intimidation tactics directed at my family are consistent with tactics employed against other farm families. Can you help us?
Holy Shit! No pun intended. This reminds me of another story, Lynne Hinnings in Michigan, who has taken this battle on as well. I'd love to connect you two. She's on Twitter and she's fabulous. I just found your email and just responded to you. Look for it!
Thanks for the quick response. I am very familiar with Lynn. We have compared notes, as the tactics used in Michigan (Lynn's home state) are the same tactics used in my home state (Minnesota). Lynn and I are aware of other farm families who have faced similar harassment and intimidation. The tactics are the same. The locations are different. Someone or some organization is training these folks.
If you or others are interested, my brother created a mini-documentary a few years ago, The Dark Side of the Other White Meat. You will note a few references to the harassment and intimidation that occurred at that time. Following release of the mini-documentary (which we hoped would end the harassment and intimidation), industry pawns actually ramped up this activity. The only way to stop this bullying activity is to shine light on this activity.
Hi Erin. I am reaching people in charge of water for NYC. Currently we have NO filtration plants & are operating with a waiver from EPA. A letter from you is critical for politicians paying attention. Can you write such a letter?
Absolutely! Email me:
Is there a water test available that will tell me the levels of glyphosate and/or other commercial farm used chemicals?
Good question! I just educated myself on this one. There’s not one that I recommend per se, but as I say Superman’s not coming, so don’t be afraid to get on Google and find out what is applicable to you. Call labs in your area. Look online fo… and search it out, that will send you a test kit to your home. National Testing Laboratories (at is one that looks promising, they will send you the kit and preserve the sample. This would be something you can do. Make sure you find a test for whether it’s at your tap or in your well. The hold time is short for glyphosate so you want to turn that sample around fast.
Another lab to check out is: (Erin is not affiliated, just another lab we know of)
I would like to know the same, thank you for this question !
How when given a cease and desist order from TVA is a company allowed to continue construction at a sand and gravel mining site? This area is beside the Duck River. It's in Humphreys County and is littered with Native American Artifacts.
How do I fight the rock crushers in Chico Tx ... I haven’t been able to breathe since we moved back here and it’s like they are trying to buy everyone out here ,and run us out of town basically .. offering land prices only to people even though there are homes on these properties , and they have bought up almost all the extra land in town .. idk what’s going on here but it gives me a feeling they are up to something :(
Hi Erin, I live in a town that has been polluted by GE. They are trying to pay our sister town, Lee, off with $25 million. Our town, Great Barrington will get $1 million. They polluted our river, The Housatonic River and it emits PCBs that travel and cause cancer. Many people have been ill with cancer and there are hot spots around the river. They want us to accept their money and their proposal - To dredge the river to clean it and place the PCBs in a toxic waste dump site on a pristene site in our sister town, Lee - in a neighborhood filled with young families and schools. This will be a big toxic waste dump site they will cap and is located close to the river so that when it leaks, the leachate will go down into the Housatonic River, where it came from. This is a big fight we are dealing with. We need you!!!!
Hi Erin, My name is Barry Wray, I represent a broad coalition fighting to prevent the release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in the FL Keys. In the past you had befriended our dear late friend and troubadour Mila de Mier in regard to this issue. We have prevented this for nearly 10 yeas and now this release is weeks away. A more detailed regulatory investigation by the EPA of this technology was in process was interfered with by Roy Bailey a high powered political lobbyist who was closely tied to President Trump, and a bullied EPA approved this in total obscurity. President Biden recently issued a directive about restoring trust via integrity in science and specifically pointing to regulatory agencies. We have reached out in many directions and have recently worked with Congressman Carlos Gimenez who has submitted an official Letter of Inquiry to the EPA regarding this approval. Gene-drive species being released into the wild can potential place us all at risk. One that has not been properly investigated even more greatly so, but still worse it creates a precedent that will enable easier approval for poorly review technology to increase risk for our nation and beyond. Our question is can you help us develop communication with the new Biden administration in an effort to suspend or revoke this experimental use permit, until a proper scientific investigation process can be defined and executed by independent and objective scientist? Alternatively, is there someone who can assist with legal action that would result in a stay by the courts? Currently, we have to take Oxitec's word for how safe this GM species is. They have a very conflicted historical relationship with truth and accuracy.
USA mainstream Doctors ignore my cries of environmental poisoning and only treat with what I call bandaides! New word in my vocabulary HERZ HEIMER. Top of the 3rd month of biotoxin detox after 2 years living in a water damaged basement without ventilation nor control of thermastat! With negligent and harassment from landlords upstairs. Want law and Justice served. Erin thanks for years of the fight. This will be me to fight and educate one another.
How can the local Florida Keys residents prevent the upcoming trial of a biotech company from releasing half a billion genetically modified mosquitos into our environment without our consent?
Thanks for everything you do!
I live in St. Louis and often feel overwhelmed by the pesticides used in the farmlands all across MO that is ending up in our water. With the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers converging here, it’s difficult to ignore. What should I do to start to make a change in my state. ( big question I know!) thank you again!!
6-PPD-quinone in plastic tires. Is there a non-toxic alternative? 6-PPD is an additive that absorbs ozone, then kills salmon, possibly other sea animals.
Have you ever looked at Parental Alienation, Title IV-D of the social security act? Been grieving the loss of a child still alive who was abducted out of CA against court orders in 2008. The child would later reach out for help then always disappear. She has attempted suicide in Utah 3 times and is now 21. After all the hell her mom made a false claim of never receiving child support (I have 8 years of cashed checks before she fled the state) and have a 258k arrears based on fraud. Famiky court ignores irrefutable evidence because of their incentives to collect without vetting claims. Any advice welcome
I've read articles about this, sad, scary, heart-breaking. This is a big conversation and not my area of expertise, but I would say try to find a quiet space... and remember you are not alone. There are groups that can help support and I would reach out to them for more advice.
Thank you Erin. I find delivering evidence is not so different as these past two impeachment. Evidence ignored and I need a Jake Brigance closing argument to the judge "now imagine she was white " to make them consider if this happened to their child. Those arrears letters based on fraud feel like ransom demands. Courts ordered reunification for years and assigned a G.A.L. her mom never allowed Juliette to speak to either GAL or therapist.
P.S. my father Marshall Bitkower had told me he worked with you before he passed away. Is the name familiar? He was friends with Edward Masry.
Hi Erin, I work as a carpenter on the island of Martha's Vineyard. I also serve as a Health Commissioner for the Tisbury Board of Health. The Board is in it's 6th or 8th year of attempting to get the power company Eversource to stop spraying defoliants on the, albeit limited, power line Right of Ways. We are facing resistance of the same sort as is confronting voters on Cape Cod and the advocacy group POCCA led by Laura Kelly. It would be great if you would be able to meet with us and share your expertise with moving heavy immoveable organizations. They do not give us much time to act and seem to have a big foot in the door of government support. Our Health Agent, Laura Valley and fellow Commissioner Michael Loberg are great resources, and repositories of knowledge, that is just short a wee bit of persuading the powers that be to back off. As far as we know, Julian Cyr and Dylan Fernandez, our regional representatives in Boston are on our side. Governmental process is cumbersome and seemingly inflexible. We could use some help and fresh ideas.
Great q! It's happening in other states too. We need a national alliance, because this is something utilities seem to be quietly doing. Email me, as this is a longer convo and would love to get all of you connected:
I edit WaterNewswatch, and would like to occasionally add stories from The Brokovich Report to our daily newsletter. Do you have an RSS Feed?
Good q! You got too technical for me, I don't know... I will find out! LOL. And get back to you. We will figure it out and thank you for wanting to spread the word.
My small town ( population under 2000 ) gets it's water from 3 wells operated by a small water company. There is a massive landfill 10 miles away at a higher elevation. I am wondering if we should be concerned about forever chemicals, and if so what is the best way to go about testing for them. Perhaps we as a town can band together and raise money for this testing. This town also has many commercial nurseries and I wonder about the process for testing for ag chemicals..
Ugh, well water! a system off-the-grid. We often find some of our worst contaminants hidden away. You're on the right track to look at independent testing. Send me an email:
Hi Erin, my question is how can someone interested get involved directly with the Community Healthbook and other great work you’re doing in communities as a researcher/recent graduate? Thank you!!!!
OMG, I'm so glad you asked. I'm working on community healthbook right now to get it live. As soon as we do, I'll let you know! PS: haha, on top of everything else, I'm learning to build a platform! Oh my!
Good luck with everything, it will be such a great resource! I have a background in GIS if you need a volunteer and Thank you so much for your response! my email is
Hi Erin, I live in Dickson county TN and we are currently trying to stop a fuel terminal from being built that is 600 ft from our water source. We have a lawyer and are working with Turnbull Preservation who is also helping with this fight but our town council is against us. The fuel company is Titan brothers and they have had problems and fines all over the country. What can we do when our own county government wants this built? By the way our water goes into several other counties so it will not be just us that are affected if there is a fire or leaks.
Thank you,
Christine Garcia
First thing that comes to mind, it reminds me of a situation with Shell Oil in Carson, CA. You are taking great steps. I would show up at city council in MASS, lawyer in hand, organize a BIG walk-in to city council (hundreds of folks). And I'll shout it out on social for you! You're taking the right steps. Remember: leverage, get everyone to show up!
Thank you!!
Hi Erin. Several months ago I sent Bob Bowcock information on a process, called reverse diffusion desalination or RDD, to desalinate and generally clean up polluted water. Bob promised to forward the email to you, since I couldn't access your site directly. Did you ever get it the info and if not would you like to review the power point about RDD? Thank you for all you do! Eben Loewenthal
That is absolutely Bob's area of expertise. I will follow-up with him. And you can forward that powerpoint to Thanks!
I would like this info as well !
I would love that info.
Can you email it to me at
Hi Erin, I'm looking for help regarding a fire caused by PG&E due to neglect of their equipment, looking for representation or help to prepare and file a case for property damage.
I have your email, I'll call you today.
Hi Erin!! So I know PFOA is teflon... does that mean we shouldn't be using teflon pans?
I cook in cast iron skillet. Teflon becomes a problem when it flakes and chips. I opt for something different. My mom taught me cast iron was the only way! PFOA can leak out, so I don't use them.
I've used a cast iron skillet for decades... The same one. Conditioning them is simple. Heat them up to frying temp. and add butter, or veggie oil/shortening. Spread it around as it sizzles and that should do it. It may take 2 or 4 occasion s to develop a good non-stick layer, but depending on how you cook with it, it'll keep it's conditioning. Dishes where you fry in butter will work best. If you use the pan for cooking gravy or something with a non-oil base, you might have to condition it again. I love this pan, (actually i have 2), and the only down side it that you won't likely be flipping pancakes with it... Use an egg lifter.
I desperately need to get in contact with you about the city of Tyler and it's water issues!
How do we stop an industrial landfill, where I know for a fact things are being dumped by companies as Kimberly-Clark, Domtar, Century Aluminum and foundry Waupaca. These waste should be going in a lined site. Neighbors are losing animals and pets due to leaching and runoff water, that’s making its way to creeks and streams that lead to the Ohio Tiver affecting a lot of people.
Please help!!
I have had 3 brain tumors ans cancer
My son stage 4 cancer many others that had and more that have cancer no one will help I remember you years ago what can I do more doors close no help its sick this is on out road no one will help my other kids now live ther places no cancer for them why
I heard that at one time you were fighting against the hpv vaccine being approved in the US. My child is now the age to get the vaccine and I am being pressured by his doctors to have him get it. Do you believe the current vaccine is safe?
I just subscribed.
I would like to know.
I live in Londonderry, NH.
We just found out about 3 weeks ago that our Artesian well which is 375” down is contaminated with PFOS & PFOAS.
It started in our neighbouring town of LItchfield, NH 2 yrs ago and now it’s in Londonderry and I hear they have the same problems in Windham another town over from us.
Can you help??
This is caused by Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics in Merrimack, NH.
They are supplying water thru Monadnock Mountain Spring Water, but saying just because St. Gobain is paying for our water. They are not admitting to be guilty of all the chemicals they dump has caused this problem.
Golder Associates Inc.
670 North Commercial St
Suite 103
Manchester, NH 03101
Is the company that hired Analytical Report.
Penichuck is the company that would do this and they majorly messed up the community in Litchfield, NH.
We want TO KEEP OUR WELL. We know they have charcoal systems, Osmosis Systems and Whole House Treatment System.
I was told by the Toxicologist said that St. Gobain would be responsible to pay for whatever Treatment we want.
Can you please help our Communities?
God bless, stay safe and stay healthy,
Kate Grandchamp
978-761-3404 (Cell)MA# but I live in NH
Erin, I know you are familiar w/ the ‘Green Ooze’ contamination on MI freeway 696 in Madison Heights Michigan. My husband lived 600 ft NE of site directly in line of groundwater flow for 25 yrs. He ate from a vegetable garden. He died last yr after fighting a very rare aggressive cancer. Medical tests revealed that he had EXTREMELY HIGH LEVELS of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, silver, zinc, lead, tin & iron: All same metals used at ElectroPlating Services and dumped into ground for 20+ yrs. It is obvious that my husband was poisoned by this contamination; Although we don’t yet know the direct route to his exposure. I KNOW he was poisoned. I’ve got to find a way to show the route by which he was exposed. I need help!! Any advice you can give me in this area is greatly appreciated. Thank you! -Mary
Hello Erin. Our township board members are considering rezoning a piece of property for sale in our community from FR (Farming/Residential) to Heavy Industrial at the request of a company that wants to build an asphalt plant there. This is next to our homes, farms and small lakes. We are also all on private wells. All of the residents have voiced concern at the last two township meetings, yet the board members are continuing to look into the possibility of rezoning and allowing this to continue. What can we do to fight this before it is too late?
I struggle with imposter syndrome and it’s got worse since losing my job and no opportunity since Covid hit us. You strike me as either never experiencing it or overcame it. Either way I’d appreciate any advice. It’s hard but so far I’m managing to sticktoitiveness m. Thanks, Karolyn, N Ireland 💚☘️
How does the general public obtain a Nonprofit or Corp’s data results to qualify their effectiveness? Nonprofits seem to boast the impact they have on the communities, yet statics to validate it are virtually impossible to find.
What about toxic IAQ inside buildings, homes & schools? Toxic MOLD & poison filled chemicals has taken hold of our health & homes & health care a.k.a. HELL-SCARE industries. Insult to injury medical facilities are pumping out even more fragrances too. CDC banned scented products & from anyone personally using them & for cleaning on their properties too. HOW CAN WE MAKE OUR INDOOR MISERY END & CREATE AN EDUCATION IAQ BUILDING SCIENCE EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT? Building Back Better Together with real life saving facts, logic, reason & science so our kids are not continuous victims of our toxic poison filled system inside out homes & buildings.
Thanks for the TGIF inspiration. Is ther a way to down load Superman's Not Coming. I get sick from all types of smells & chemicals & we have mold here to so I would have to toss the book if we can escape this toxic moldy hell. Can't finda a safe palce to live anywhere it's mission impossible. CAN YOU SHARE WITH US HOW DID YOU FIND A SAFE HOME & PLACE TO LIVE & WHAT YOU USE OR DON'T USE & AVOID AT ALL TIME? HOW TO LOOK FOR ISSUES THAT COULD PLACE OUR HOMES & COMMUNITIES IN JEOPARDY?
Hi Tammy, There is a digital version of the book on Amazon. You can download the Kindle app for free on your computer or download it onto a digital reading device. Hope that helps! Thanks for being here.
Good to know! Thanks for sharing the scoop Suzanne Boothby! Tragically like so many millions of us in the US & all over the world fumes from noxious chemical smells & odors make us very sick & after being exposed to repeat contamination & toxic poison filled exposures the vicious circle of physical & mental harm is never ending. The continuous poison fueled & fumed toxic exposures, as you already know are our global crisis of epic repeat misery & the causes are not a mystery. The odors off-gassing from any book will make me overwhelmed with multiple suffering & IRL sickening symptoms. Being stuck in repeat contaminated MOLD filled buildings & to date is considered 70% of all BLDGs in the USA + unsafe chemicals people use in our shared BLDG space is adding to the smell you later & later & later fumes & plumes of doom hell. Approximately 55 Million in the USA alone suffer from diagnosed EI & MCS diseases. These issues were confirmed the 1970's as disabilities by the DOE-Education, SSI, HUD but now seemed to be another hidden trade secret & a.k.a. corporate & political betrayal too all HumanKIND. When you total the costs & lives lost from preventable diseases & cancers, in addition to massive property damages & homeless crisis, it would make sense for the greater good to make all of us our collective priority of protecting all Americans as a majority. Keep up the good work! Wishing you & yours continuous good health & every day LOLs. #AllOfUS #DoNoHARM #PoisonOnPurposeProfitsStopIt