I use tap water I will not drink purified water it’s reverse osmosis water and that is deadly read what the world health organization says about it, I had mine removed from my home and I feel much better since I use tape water unfortunately my husband died as a result of drinking reverse osmosis water stick to tape water when ever possible or drink spring water.

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Also, most bottled water is nothing more than repackaged tap water. With added toxins from the plastic, of course.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

TBR, I appreciate the news and concern about clean, safe drinking water. This is a critical issue that is being neglected to everyone's detriment. What I do not appreciate is the focus on the problems caused to the "poor, under-served" portion of the population. This focus gets so tiresome. What about the rest of the country, the part that needs to be healthy to work and be productive, and pay the taxes that are "supposed" to go to maintaining our infrastructure? Can we have a little balance in your concern for all Americans? Please!

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