Erin. We really need your help. The military are all smoke and mirrors over here. They are covering things up. Families are in hotels and are displaced over Christmas. Could you please help us get some national and international coverage on this?
My child was in ER. His diagnosis is “exposure to a toxic substance” I was in ER. My other children to the doctor’s. Many many people have been and are sick here and no one is listening. They have come up with a plan to flush the system but even that is a half assed solution. Civilian Labs and doctors hear are putting up a wall and refusing to test water or get involved. They don’t want repercussions from the government. My husband cannot advocate for us. Service members are not allowed to sue the government. There are service members afraid to speak out because of repercussions. The whole thing is a mess and we would all like to ask and beg of you, that if there is anything you can do to help; please help us.
It’s not just military families that are affected here in Hawaii. I’m a civilian living in privatized housing and we are getting ignored by the Navy! Only help we get is 2 cases of water a day - and now a water truck. But our property management company says the water is fine and even still lets the splash pad and water in the dog parks remain on. They also continue to promote and rent to new unsuspecting tenants. How is this right?!? DOH has told us not to use the water!!! Meanwhile we are stuck in homes with no clean water and seems nothing can be done 😡😡😡
Wait until you find out that before the Hawaiian government was overthrown in 1883, what is now Pearl Harbor was one of Hawai’i’s largest food sources that contained over 80 man made fishing ponds to feed the country. That area is currently too contaminated to even jump in.
Thank you Erin for shedding more light on this story. As I told you in my messages, my family lives at Iroquois Point next to Pearl Harbor formerly military housing now privatized and managed by Kapilina Beach Homes. We moved here in September and have been having symptoms from the beginning but never realized what it was until Thursday, December 2nd my son was rushed by ambulance to the ER. His face was swollen, his eyes were shut from the swelling and they felt like they were on fire, his body covered in a full body rash, his throat on fire and was so swollen he was fighting for every breath. 2 epi pens , steroids, Benadryl in his ivy and Pepcid later he was diagnosed as having an allergic reaction. Minutes into the ER I remember seeing the news about a baby at red hill covered in rashes. I asked the ER if it could be the contaminated water and he said yes. 4 hours later, his gums start bleeding. Fast forward, he’s still breaking out in rashes and has bleeding gums headaches, feeling sluggish. I took him to the allergist to rule that out and he said it wasn’t an allergic reaction but a toxic one. My roommate has now had 3 ER visits. Many in our community have had to rush their loved ones many being children to the ER with burning throats and going from athletes to having to walk dragging their legs in pain. The Navy although finally admitting their error will not put us in the affected list, they refuse and so we cannot get any help. People of Hawai’i have come to our aid because not even the Government has stepped up. DOH has not offered any assistance. Media outside of Hawai’i has barely covered it. We need help!!
We have to change our toxic, sick & poison repeat history; mystery solved a very long time ago!
Warriors serving our country & willing to run into chaos & crisis & danger, risk & saccrafice their lives are tragically suffering the most from the worst living conditions & major contamiNATIONS.
#WTF Insult to injury! SOP American Heroes are repeat innocent victims w/ loved ones & face a life-time of needless sickening suffering & medical misery! #FUBAR #WiskeyTangoFoxtrot
We Can Do & learn how to serve in our own communities w/ Science + Tools & DIY Savvy Skills!
You're so right Erin; every life deserves IRL positive action w/Detection, Prevention & Protection!
Preach Erin & thanks to ALL fighting & righting wrongs. Keep reaching out & teaching us/US!
Americans + Loving; Living; Learning & Leading SolUtions ALL 4; 1 = HumanKIND
I brought water contamination at Wright Patterson AFB to your attention many years ago; however, at the time I believed the culprit was agent orange. Both my husband and mother-in-law died of lung cancer within one year of each other (2003 and 2004, respectively). They both lived at Wright Patterson AFB and Eaker AFB between 1970 and 1973.
The Navy finally agreed to remove fuel from their 80 years old tanks right above the aquifers (after refusing to cooperate with the DOH Order for over a month).
But missing from their list of things to do is find a safe place to permanently vacate this location that threatens the clean water for Oahu.
This fiasco was totally avoidable, as we have been asking them to vacate this location as it could pollute the water.
They promised to monitor it and it would be okay. We don’t trust the Navy. They need to do the right thing and move their fuel away permanently.
It's just a matter of time before everyone living on Oahu will be affected by the Red Hill UGST contamination. There's a rumor that it's only a matter of time before all water customers on Oahu will have to follow very strict water conservation rules very, very soon.
I agree our government is not doing enough to get our water cleaned up, I prey they don’t start using reverse osmosis machines to clean it up because you will have another set of health problems please read what the world health organization says about it. I could sure use some help with this issue my husband died from drinking it i was sick as well as my dog this reverse osmosis water is not healthy at all so I would appreciate some help with getting the information out. Thank you Herrie Yarborough please contact me about this matter.
I agree 100%
It is unacceptable for our Government to do this and not accept the responsibility to clean up the shit that they caused.
Erin. We really need your help. The military are all smoke and mirrors over here. They are covering things up. Families are in hotels and are displaced over Christmas. Could you please help us get some national and international coverage on this?
My child was in ER. His diagnosis is “exposure to a toxic substance” I was in ER. My other children to the doctor’s. Many many people have been and are sick here and no one is listening. They have come up with a plan to flush the system but even that is a half assed solution. Civilian Labs and doctors hear are putting up a wall and refusing to test water or get involved. They don’t want repercussions from the government. My husband cannot advocate for us. Service members are not allowed to sue the government. There are service members afraid to speak out because of repercussions. The whole thing is a mess and we would all like to ask and beg of you, that if there is anything you can do to help; please help us.
It’s not just military families that are affected here in Hawaii. I’m a civilian living in privatized housing and we are getting ignored by the Navy! Only help we get is 2 cases of water a day - and now a water truck. But our property management company says the water is fine and even still lets the splash pad and water in the dog parks remain on. They also continue to promote and rent to new unsuspecting tenants. How is this right?!? DOH has told us not to use the water!!! Meanwhile we are stuck in homes with no clean water and seems nothing can be done 😡😡😡
Wait until you find out that before the Hawaiian government was overthrown in 1883, what is now Pearl Harbor was one of Hawai’i’s largest food sources that contained over 80 man made fishing ponds to feed the country. That area is currently too contaminated to even jump in.
"CLEANING" up the mess won't cut it! "SAFE LEVELS" is unacceptable. And LYING is the last straw! ALL MILITARY BASES IN HAWAII NEEDS TO LEAVE NOW!!!
Thank you Erin for shedding more light on this story. As I told you in my messages, my family lives at Iroquois Point next to Pearl Harbor formerly military housing now privatized and managed by Kapilina Beach Homes. We moved here in September and have been having symptoms from the beginning but never realized what it was until Thursday, December 2nd my son was rushed by ambulance to the ER. His face was swollen, his eyes were shut from the swelling and they felt like they were on fire, his body covered in a full body rash, his throat on fire and was so swollen he was fighting for every breath. 2 epi pens , steroids, Benadryl in his ivy and Pepcid later he was diagnosed as having an allergic reaction. Minutes into the ER I remember seeing the news about a baby at red hill covered in rashes. I asked the ER if it could be the contaminated water and he said yes. 4 hours later, his gums start bleeding. Fast forward, he’s still breaking out in rashes and has bleeding gums headaches, feeling sluggish. I took him to the allergist to rule that out and he said it wasn’t an allergic reaction but a toxic one. My roommate has now had 3 ER visits. Many in our community have had to rush their loved ones many being children to the ER with burning throats and going from athletes to having to walk dragging their legs in pain. The Navy although finally admitting their error will not put us in the affected list, they refuse and so we cannot get any help. People of Hawai’i have come to our aid because not even the Government has stepped up. DOH has not offered any assistance. Media outside of Hawai’i has barely covered it. We need help!!
SOS #SaveOurSoldiers
We have to change our toxic, sick & poison repeat history; mystery solved a very long time ago!
Warriors serving our country & willing to run into chaos & crisis & danger, risk & saccrafice their lives are tragically suffering the most from the worst living conditions & major contamiNATIONS.
#WTF Insult to injury! SOP American Heroes are repeat innocent victims w/ loved ones & face a life-time of needless sickening suffering & medical misery! #FUBAR #WiskeyTangoFoxtrot
We Can Do & learn how to serve in our own communities w/ Science + Tools & DIY Savvy Skills!
You're so right Erin; every life deserves IRL positive action w/Detection, Prevention & Protection!
Preach Erin & thanks to ALL fighting & righting wrongs. Keep reaching out & teaching us/US!
Americans + Loving; Living; Learning & Leading SolUtions ALL 4; 1 = HumanKIND
ER-EvolUtion + ResolUtions #ALLofUS #MadeInAmerica #GlobalStrong #ALLHumanKIND
Erin Thank you for your devotion to clean water!!
I brought water contamination at Wright Patterson AFB to your attention many years ago; however, at the time I believed the culprit was agent orange. Both my husband and mother-in-law died of lung cancer within one year of each other (2003 and 2004, respectively). They both lived at Wright Patterson AFB and Eaker AFB between 1970 and 1973.
Thank you for your great article 🙏
The Navy finally agreed to remove fuel from their 80 years old tanks right above the aquifers (after refusing to cooperate with the DOH Order for over a month).
But missing from their list of things to do is find a safe place to permanently vacate this location that threatens the clean water for Oahu.
This fiasco was totally avoidable, as we have been asking them to vacate this location as it could pollute the water.
They promised to monitor it and it would be okay. We don’t trust the Navy. They need to do the right thing and move their fuel away permanently.
It's just a matter of time before everyone living on Oahu will be affected by the Red Hill UGST contamination. There's a rumor that it's only a matter of time before all water customers on Oahu will have to follow very strict water conservation rules very, very soon.
I agree our government is not doing enough to get our water cleaned up, I prey they don’t start using reverse osmosis machines to clean it up because you will have another set of health problems please read what the world health organization says about it. I could sure use some help with this issue my husband died from drinking it i was sick as well as my dog this reverse osmosis water is not healthy at all so I would appreciate some help with getting the information out. Thank you Herrie Yarborough please contact me about this matter.